Wednesday, June 30, 2010

mental notes

lately as i listen to npr while i'm working, or hear an interview on tv, i have been making mental notes of phrases or words not to use for awhile. "that being said." anything with the word "quantum" in it. "experience," "freeing" "awareness" "going the distance." "cutting edge" "21st century" if that refers to surging into the future. "Being" with a capital B. "Conscious awareness." I made a note to take a little pad around with me so when something catches my attention i can jot it down. These words are not wrong. but i find there are certain phrases and words that are stand ins for being vague in my writing. i can plug in a phrase instead of thinking through what i want to say. Like waving my hand in the air and saying "whatever," while smiling knowingly.

Mary and i are going through old essays we have written and i find it useful at this point to pare down what i wrote. what is it i want to say. less decoration and more intent.

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